Best Revenue Projection Method for SaaS Startups

Best Revenue Projection Method for SaaS Startups

By Lior Ronen | Founder, Finro Financial Consulting

For any SaaS startup, nailing your revenue projections is crucial.

Accurate forecasts and the approach you choose can significantly influence strategic decisions and investor confidence.

Broadly speaking, there are two schools of thought: one relies on rough estimates, and the other, on a detailed analysis of the business mechanics.

In this post, we're going to explore why a methodical, data-driven approach to projecting your startup's revenue outshines the more common practice of making educated guesses. We'll delve into the importance of breaking down the user journey to create a realistic and actionable growth strategy.

Join us as we unpack the essentials of effective revenue projection, keeping the conversation straightforward and focused on actionable insights.


In the world of tech startups, figuring out future earnings is key. Instead of just guessing, it's much better to carefully look at every step a customer takes from seeing an ad to buying something. This way uses real numbers and facts to make better predictions. It helps startups understand their business better, make smart choices, and plan well. By doing this, startups can use their money wisely and make their investors happy.
Best Revenue Projection Method For SaaS Startups

The Problem with Guesstimates

When we dive into the realm of revenue projections, the term "guesstimate" often pops up. But what exactly does it mean in this context?

Essentially, it's about using a mix of guesswork and basic estimation to forecast your startup's financial growth.

This might look like projecting a 60% revenue increase in year two, followed by a 45% increase in year three, without a solid foundation for those numbers.

Now, why should this raise a red flag? Let's break it down:

Adds No Real Value to the Business Plan

At its core, a business plan is more than just a document; it's a roadmap for success.

Each element should serve a purpose, guiding strategic decisions and attracting investors. Guesstimates, however, fall short in this regard.

They're like filling in the blanks with hopeful thinking rather than actionable data.

While optimism is a valuable trait in entrepreneurship, when it comes to planning, precision and realism take the front seat.

Based on Low-Quality Inputs Leading to Unreliable Projections

The reliability of your projections hinges on the quality of your inputs.

Guesstimates are typically grounded in overly simplistic assumptions that ignore the complexities of the market and your business's unique challenges and opportunities.

This approach can lead to projections that are not only unreliable but potentially misleading. It's akin to navigating through a storm with an outdated map; you might have a general sense of direction, but the likelihood of reaching your destination unscathed is low.

In summary, while guesstimates might offer a quick way to fill out a revenue projection, they lack the depth and reliability needed for effective planning.

They do not contribute meaningful insights into your business plan and are often rooted in assumptions that don't hold up under scrutiny. In the following sections, we'll explore a more robust approach that offers the clarity and precision your startup needs to thrive.

Aspect Guesstimate-Based Forecast User Journey-Based Forecast
Foundation Rough estimates and guesswork Detailed analysis of marketing channels, customer behavior, and conversion rates
Input Quality Low-quality; based on general assumptions High-quality; based on actual data and metrics from the business operations
Value to Business Plan Adds no real value; lacks actionable insights Adds significant value; provides a clear, actionable roadmap for growth
Reliability Unreliable; projections are often overly optimistic or pessimistic without basis More reliable; grounded in real business dynamics and customer interactions
Discussion Level Surface-level; does not contribute to strategic planning Deep; elevates the discussion by breaking down real business drivers
Context Lacks context; does not consider specific business and market dynamics Rich in context; considers detailed aspects of the customer journey and market environment

The User Journey Approach

Transitioning from the unreliable territory of guesstimates, the user journey approach to revenue projection offers a more sophisticated and accurate method. This approach meticulously traces the customer's path from initial contact through to purchase, incorporating detailed analyses at every step to forecast revenue more reliably.

Step-by-Step Breakdown

Let's dive into the nuts and bolts of this approach:

  1. Marketing Channel Budgeting: It all starts with your marketing budget. How you allocate funds across various channels directly influences the volume of clicks you can expect, impacting both Cost Per Click (CPC) and Click-Through Rate (CTR) percentages. This stage sets the foundation for the traffic that flows into your sales funnel.

  2. Conversion Percentages: Next, we examine how many of these clicks convert into trials or demos, and subsequently, how many of these trials or demos convert into actual sign-ups. But it doesn't stop there; we also look at the conversion rate from sign-up to paying customers. Each of these conversion points is critical in understanding the efficiency of your sales funnel and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

  3. Pricing Assumptions: With a grasp on conversion rates, we then integrate pricing assumptions into our projection. This involves analyzing how different price points might affect conversion rates and the overall revenue potential. It's a crucial step that ties the entire projection together, providing a clear picture of how revenue can be expected to grow based on realistic assumptions about customer behavior and pricing strategies.

Benefits of the User Journey Method

The user journey method stands out for several reasons:

  • Adds Meaningful Context: By breaking down the customer journey step-by-step, this method adds a layer of context to your revenue projections that guesstimates simply cannot provide. It allows you to understand not just the 'how much' but the 'why' and 'how' behind your potential earnings.

  • Elevates the Quality of Discussion: Armed with detailed insights from the user journey analysis, discussions about revenue potential become more grounded and informed. This level of detail elevates conversations with stakeholders, from investors to team members, making for a more compelling and persuasive business case.

  • Relies on High-Quality Inputs: The accuracy of your forecast is only as good as the data it's based on. The user journey method relies on high-quality, real-world inputs, from marketing metrics to conversion rates, making for a more reliable and actionable forecast.

In conclusion, the user journey approach to revenue projection offers a detailed, context-rich, and reliable method for forecasting growth. It stands in stark contrast to the vague and often baseless guesstimates, providing tech startups with a clear roadmap for achieving their financial goals.

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Why User Journey is the Superior Method

The difference between success and stagnation often lies in the method of forecasting.

The user journey approach, with its detailed, data-driven analysis, stands head and shoulders above the guesswork of guesstimates.

Here's why:

Precision Over Guesswork

The user journey method thrives on precision. Unlike guesstimates, which rely on arbitrary percentages and hopeful thinking, the user journey approach dissects each step of the customer's interaction with the business.

This meticulous attention to detail ensures that every part of the forecast is backed by data, from the effectiveness of marketing channels to the conversion rates at different stages of the sales funnel.

Understanding Real Business Drivers

One of the most significant advantages of the user journey approach is its focus on understanding and breaking down real business drivers. It goes beyond simply applying arbitrary growth rates to revenue figures.

This method looks at the factors that genuinely influence growth, such as marketing strategies, customer engagement, and pricing models. By doing so, it provides a realistic and actionable blueprint for scaling the business.

The application of real business drivers does more than just enhance the accuracy of projections; it also empowers founders and teams with insights into which levers to pull to drive growth. Whether it's optimizing marketing spend, improving conversion rates, or adjusting pricing, the user journey approach illuminates the path to achieving revenue goals.

Data-Driven Decisions

In today’s fast-paced startup ecosystem, making informed, data-driven decisions is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.

The user journey approach aligns perfectly with this ethos, grounding every projection and strategy in solid data.

This reliance on high-quality inputs ensures that startups are not flying blind but rather navigating their growth with a clear understanding of their business dynamics.

Advantages Over Guesstimates

Comparing the user journey method to guesstimates, the advantages become even more evident:

  • Accuracy: User journey projections are inherently more accurate, thanks to their foundation in real data and comprehensive analysis.

  • Strategic Planning: They offer actionable insights that directly inform strategic planning, allowing startups to allocate resources more effectively and anticipate challenges.

  • Investor Confidence: Detailed, data-driven projections foster greater confidence among investors, who are more likely to support a startup with a clear, evidence-backed growth plan.

In conclusion, the user journey method's detailed, data-driven approach is not just a superior method for revenue projections; it's a critical tool for understanding and driving business growth. By focusing on real business drivers and grounding decisions in data, startups can navigate their journey to success with greater confidence and clarity.

Why User Journey is the Superior Method

Benefits of Choosing Finro as Your Startup Financial Modeling Consultant

Launching a startup without a robust financial model is akin to navigating an uncharted city without a map.

This analogy, though striking, aptly underscores the critical importance of financial modeling for tech startups, laying bare the risks of embarking on a business venture without a clear financial roadmap.

In this context, the decision to partner with a specialized financial modeling consultant, such as Finro, emerges as a strategic imperative rather than a mere option.

This section explores the many benefits of choosing Finro as your startup financial modeling consultant, highlighting how such a partnership can be a keystone to your startup's success.

Tailored Expertise for the Tech Sector

Finro stands out by offering specialized financial modeling services that cater specifically to the unique dynamics and complexities of the tech industry. Unlike generalist modelers or DIY approaches, Finro’s expertise in the tech sector enables the firm to craft models that accurately reflect the nuanced reality of tech startups.

This specialized focus ensures that your financial model not only captures the essence of your business but also anticipates and accommodates the rapid innovations and shifting market dynamics characteristic of the tech landscape.

Strategic Tool for Internal and External Success

A financial model is not just a spreadsheet; it's a strategic tool that serves dual purposes. Internally, it acts as a compass, guiding startups through financial forecasting, resource allocation, and scenario planning.

Externally, it becomes a communication tool that articulates the startup’s potential and strategy to investors, partners, and stakeholders. Finro’s expertise ensures that your financial model fulfills both roles effectively, positioning your startup for growth and sustainability.

The Specialized Advantage: Precision, Relevance, and Insight

The specialized advantage brought by Finro encompasses structured processes, deep industry knowledge, and a keen understanding of investor expectations. This trifecta ensures comprehensive coverage of your business model, reflecting every facet from revenue streams and cost structures to market dynamics and growth projections.

Moreover, Finro’s insight into investor expectations ensures that your financial model speaks directly to what investors want to see, highlighting your startup’s scalability, revenue model viability, and market leadership potential.

Navigating the Risks: The Perils of DIY and Generalist Approaches

Opting for DIY or generalist financial modeling comes with significant risks, including potential oversights, misalignment with investor interests, and costly mistakes.

These risks underscore the importance of partnering with a specialized firm like Finro, which can navigate the intricacies of tech financial modeling with precision and foresight.

Criteria for Choosing the Right Partner

Selecting Finro as your financial modeling partner is a choice that aligns with a commitment to excellence and precision. The criteria for choosing such a partner include proven expertise in the tech sector, a track record of success, and an approach that aligns with your startup's vision.

Finro meets and exceeds these criteria, making it the premier choice for tech startups seeking to build a comprehensive financial model.

Profile Image

Isaac Litman

Founder and CEO, Neteera

I worked with Lior and with Finro to build a financial model for our seed round. Lior meticulously led the forecasting process, analyzing our activity, mapping all aspects of our business, and immaculately creating our 5-years all-around financial model that fits our needs.

The Finro team quickly understood the technology, details of the business, and the primary growth factors, successfully implementing them in the model. Overall a high-quality and seamless experience that I recommend to every startup founder!


Charting a course toward sustainable growth demands more than optimistic guessing. The comparison is clear: while guesstimates might offer a quick fix, they lack the depth and accuracy necessary for serious strategic planning. The user journey approach emerges not just as an alternative but as the superior method for revenue projections.

By embracing a detailed, data-driven analysis of the entire customer journey, startups can unlock actionable insights that pave the way for informed decision-making and strategic growth. This approach doesn't just forecast revenue; it illuminates the path to achieving it, highlighting the operational and strategic adjustments necessary to drive success.

Moreover, adopting the user journey method strengthens your startup's narrative, bolstering confidence among team members and investors alike.

It demonstrates a commitment to understanding the intricacies of your business and the market in which it operates. In turn, this commitment translates into more accurate forecasting, better resource allocation, and, ultimately, a higher chance of success.

As we look to the future, the choice is clear. For tech startups aiming to not only survive but thrive, adopting a user journey approach to revenue projections is not just beneficial; it's essential.

It's the difference between navigating with a clear map versus wandering in the dark.

Choose the path illuminated by data and driven by real insights. Choose the user journey approach for your revenue projections, and set your startup on the course to lasting growth.

Key Takeaways

  1. Detailed, data-driven revenue forecasts outperform rough estimates, enhancing strategic decisions and investor confidence.

  2. Analyzing the user journey offers a realistic growth strategy, focusing on actionable insights rather than guesses.

  3. User journey analysis breaks down marketing, conversion, and pricing for precise, context-rich revenue projections.

  4. This approach aids in making informed, strategic choices, optimizing resource allocation and fostering investor trust.

  5. A superior method, the user journey approach illuminates the operational strategies necessary for sustainable growth.

Answers to The Most Asked Questions

  • Analyze the customer journey, including marketing channels, conversion rates, and pricing, for data-driven revenue forecasts.

  • Use a detailed, data-driven approach, focusing on the user journey from initial contact to purchase, for realistic projections.

  • The user journey approach is superior, providing precise, actionable forecasts by analyzing real business drivers and data.

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