AI Startups Valuation Multiples: Mid-Year 2024 Update

AI Startups Valuation Multiples: Mid-Year 2024 Update

By Lior Ronen | Founder, Finro Financial Consulting

Ever seen the Pope rock a big, white puffy coat? Or caught a self-driving taxi zipping through Manhattan? These aren't just cool scenes from the future; they're real deals pulled off by AI startups today.

And guess what? It's not just their tech that's making waves but also their sky-high valuations.

At the end of 2023, we took a deep dive into the revenue multiples of 30 leading AI companies. The results were eye-opening, painting a picture of a booming industry with vast potential. Now, halfway through 2024, we're back with an even more comprehensive update. This time, we've analyzed 100 top AI startups, providing a broader and more detailed look at how valuations are stacking up in this rapidly evolving sector.

Figuring out what an AI startup is worth isn't just about putting a price tag on it. It's more about seeing into the future — what investors think this tech goldmine could rake in down the line. We're diving into the nuts and bolts of AI startup valuations, how to stack them up against each other, and what the deal is with revenue multiples.

We'll take a closer look at some big names you've probably heard of — like OpenAI, Anthropic, and Perplexity, the smart search engine. As a leading startup valuation firm, we're laying out the AI market scene in 2024, shining a light on the multiples making rounds in the AI world.

Just a heads up, though — these multiples are just part of the story. They're not the be-all and end-all for valuing these tech wizards. If you're looking to get the lowdown on a specific AI player's worth, hit us up directly.


AI startups are experiencing strong investor confidence with an average revenue multiple of 17.8x, reflecting significant growth potential across various niches. Large language models, HR tech, and search engines exhibit particularly high multiples, indicating their transformative impact and market optimism. However, sectors like health tech and cybersecurity show more cautious valuations due to their inherent complexities.

These variations highlight the diverse and innovative approaches within the AI sector, emphasizing the importance of understanding niche-specific dynamics for making informed investment decisions. As the market evolves, these insights will be crucial in predicting the real-world success and profitability of AI companies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Mid-2024 Update Revenue Multiples In Select Niches

Click to Download The Full Report Now: Finro Artificial Intelligence (AI) Valuation Report Mid-2024 Update

What is AI Startup Valuation?

Valuing an AI startup is all about figuring out how much these cutting-edge companies are worth. But first, let's break down what we mean by an AI startup.

These are the newcomers on the block, harnessing artificial intelligence — technology that enables machines to mimic human learning and decision-making.

From making sense of human speech to recognizing images, AI startups are revolutionizing sectors like healthcare, finance, and retail, aiming to streamline operations and enhance our daily lives.

Investors are keenly watching these startups, betting on their potential to lead the next wave of technological innovation with solutions that automate complex tasks, thereby making our lives easier and more efficient.

At the heart of many of these ventures is AI technology, yet they often operate on a subscription model, similar to Software as a Service (SaaS), offering AI-powered tools and services for a regular fee.

The challenge in valuing AI startups lies in their novelty and the speculative nature of their future success.

It's not just about what they're earning now but about predicting how they'll transform industries. The right valuation method depends on where the startup is in its growth journey and the specifics of its business, as we'll see in the table below.

A deeper dive into how to value AI startups step-by-step is available in this guide. Here’s a quick overview of the common valuation methods:

Valuation Method Pros Cons
Berkus Method
  • Simplifies valuation for early-stage startups.
  • Focuses on qualitative factors.
  • Quick to apply and understand.
  • Highly subjective.
  • Limited to a maximum valuation.
  • May not reflect actual market potential.
Scorecard Method
  • Offers a comparative approach against similar startups.
  • Considers a broader range of factors.
  • Adaptable to different regions and sectors.
  • Subjective in weighting and scoring.
  • Relies on the availability of benchmark data.
  • May not capture unique aspects of AI startups.
Revenue Multiple
  • Straightforward and easy to understand.
  • Based on actual and projected financial performance.
  • Widely used and accepted.
  • Relies on finding appropriate comparables.
  • May not account for long-term growth potential.
EBITDA Multiple
  • Suitable for startups from seed stage with a clear business model.
  • Reflects profitability and operational efficiency.
  • Industry multiples provide a market-relevant perspective.
  • EBITDA can be influenced by accounting practices.
  • Requires accurate industry multiple data.
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
  • Detailed and comprehensive.
  • Incorporates future growth and risk factors.
  • Can be highly tailored to the startup's specifics.
  • Complex and requires extensive financial forecasting.
  • Highly sensitive to assumptions used.
  • Time-consuming and requires financial expertise.

How to Compare AI Startups Valuation?

When comparing AI startups of different sizes, the challenge is clear: How do you fairly compare a $100 billion behemoth to a $10 million newcomer? The revenue multiple is the answer.

A revenue multiple is a ratio reflecting how the market values every dollar of a company's sales. For example, a revenue multiple of 5x means the market values the company at five times its annual revenue. Here's the formula:

Revenue Multiple = Company’s Market Value / Annual Revenue

This metric levels the playing field, enabling investors to compare companies big and small within the same industry. It’s especially useful in AI, where value hinges more on growth potential and innovation than current revenue.


  1. OpenAI: With a valuation of $80 billion and annual revenue of $2 billion, the revenue multiple is 40x.

  2. Anthropic: Valued at $18.4 billion with $850 million in revenue, giving a revenue multiple of approximately 21.6x.

  3. Stability AI: At a $1 billion valuation and $44 million in revenue, the revenue multiple is 22.7x.

Significance of Revenue Multiples

Revenue multiples offer insights into market expectations. A high multiple indicates anticipated growth, while a lower one might signal investor caution.

Revenue multiples simplify comparisons but don't detail profitability or future earnings potential. Companies with identical multiples might have vastly different financial health or growth prospects. External factors like market trends also influence these multiples, so they should be just one part of a comprehensive valuation.

In essence, while revenue multiples are useful, they're just the starting point for evaluating a company's worth.

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AI Valuation Multiples 2024 Analysis: Methodology

For our mid-year 2024 update, we expanded our analysis to include 100 leading AI companies, up from the 30 we analyzed at the end of 2023.

This broadened scope allows for a more comprehensive view of the current state of AI startup valuations.

Data Collection

We gathered data on market valuations, revenues, and other financial metrics from a variety of reliable sources, including financial news sites, company press releases, and industry reports.

Our focus was on privately held companies, although some publicly traded companies were included for comparative purposes.

Criteria for Selection

The companies selected for this analysis are recognized leaders in the AI space, spanning various niches such as generative AI, fintech, health tech, and cybersecurity.

We prioritized companies with available data on both market valuations and annual revenues. This ensures a consistent and accurate calculation of revenue multiples.

Calculation of Revenue Multiples

To calculate the revenue multiple for each company, we used the following formula:

Revenue Multiple = Company’s Market Value / Annual Revenue

This ratio helps benchmark high-growth startups regardless of profitability or size. Specifically, we divide the company's valuation by total yearly revenue.

The resulting multiple shows investors' willingness to pay for each revenue dollar - a useful proxy for future prospects. The higher the ratio, the more bullish investors are on substantial expansion ahead.

Data Verification

We cross-checked the financial data with multiple sources to ensure accuracy. Where discrepancies were found, we used the most recent and reliable figures. For companies where data was not available or inconsistent, we excluded them from the revenue multiple calculations but included them in the broader analysis to provide context.


While we strive for accuracy, there are inherent limitations in the data, especially for privately held companies. Valuations can fluctuate based on market conditions, funding rounds, and investor sentiment.

Additionally, reported revenues may not always capture the full financial health of a company, particularly those with diverse or emerging revenue streams.

This methodology provides a robust framework for understanding the valuation landscape of AI startups in 2024, offering insights into market trends and investor expectations.

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Mick Carolan

General Partner, Princap

Lior has consistently delivered analysis of both depth and accuracy. His foresight in identifying pivotal trends and disruptions within the sector has delivered real value. His adeptness and synthesis of large data sets into actionable intelligence based on key comps has also been instrumental in refining our investment strategy. This has been particularly valuable for a pre revenue company.

He is also a very good man, quick to respond despite the time zone and is extremely easy to deal with. I can therefore unreservedly recommend Lior and FINRO to anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of the tech sector with confidence and strategic advantage.

AI Valuation Multiples 2024 Analysis: Results

Our expanded analysis of 100 leading AI companies reveals several key insights about the current state and future prospects of the AI sector.

The average revenue multiple for the analyzed companies is 21.8x. This high multiple reflects significant investor optimism about the growth potential of AI startups. However, this figure varies widely across different niches within the AI sector.

LLM Vendors: 21.8x

The high multiple for LLM vendors reflects the enormous potential seen in large language models. These models are at the forefront of AI innovation, with applications spanning various industries, driving strong investor interest.

Data Intelligence: 17.5x

Companies in the data intelligence sector are valued highly because they provide critical insights and analytics capabilities. This sector is pivotal for decision-making processes across industries, hence the substantial revenue multiples.

Cybersecurity: 15.5x

The significant multiple in the cybersecurity sector highlights the importance of protecting digital assets. With increasing cyber threats, investors recognize the essential role of advanced AI-driven cybersecurity solutions.

Infrastructure: 13.5x

The infrastructure niche supports the broader AI ecosystem, enabling the development and deployment of AI technologies. The relatively high multiple reflects the foundational importance of these companies in the AI value chain.

HR Tech: 26.8x

The high multiple for HR tech indicates strong investor confidence in AI-driven solutions that optimize human resources management. These technologies streamline operations, enhance productivity, and are seen as critical for modern businesses.

Fintech: 12.4x

Fintech companies leveraging AI are transforming financial services. The multiple reflects the growth potential and efficiency improvements offered by AI in financial operations, though it varies widely based on specific applications within the sector.

Health Tech: 14.3x

The health tech sector shows a broad range of revenue multiples, reflecting the innovative but often speculative nature of AI applications in healthcare. Investors are cautious yet optimistic about the transformative potential of AI in health diagnostics and treatment.

Marketing Tech: 11.6x

AI-driven marketing tech solutions are highly valued for their ability to personalize and optimize marketing strategies. The multiples reflect the potential for significant ROI through improved customer engagement and targeted marketing efforts.

Legal Tech: 14.7x

Legal tech solutions automate and streamline legal processes, driving efficiency and reducing costs. The multiples indicate a recognition of the substantial impact AI can have on the traditionally labor-intensive legal industry.

Search Engine: 37.0x

The very high multiple in the search engine niche suggests strong investor confidence in the potential of AI-driven search technologies to revolutionize information retrieval, despite the dominance of established players like Google.

Computer Vision: 10.1x

AI-driven computer vision technologies are critical for various applications, from autonomous vehicles to industrial automation. The multiples reflect the growing importance and investment in visual data processing capabilities.


These findings underscore the diverse approaches and innovative solutions within the AI sector. The high average revenue multiple of 17.8x indicates strong investor confidence in the future growth and profitability of AI startups. However, the variation in multiples across different niches suggests that not all AI startups are viewed equally, and factors such as technology type, market position, and revenue potential play significant roles in their valuations.

As investors continue to place their bets on these companies, the coming years will be key in seeing how their valuations translate into real-world success. We're particularly curious to observe how these average multiples might shift as the market evolves. The valuation differences within the same sectors and between related fields highlight the complexities of the AI market and suggest that the path to profitability might not always be straightforward or predictable.

These insights provide a snapshot of the dynamic and rapidly evolving AI sector, offering valuable benchmarks for investors, analysts, and industry stakeholders.

Niche Revenue Multiple Key Insight
LLM Vendors
High multiples due to the significant potential of large language models in driving AI innovation.
Data Intelligence
Critical insights and analytics capabilities make this sector pivotal for decision-making processes.
Essential role of advanced AI-driven cybersecurity solutions in protecting digital assets.
Foundational importance in the AI value chain, enabling AI development and deployment.
HR Tech
Strong confidence in AI-driven HR solutions that optimize management and enhance productivity.
Growth potential of AI in financial operations, transforming financial services.
Health Tech
Reflects innovative but speculative nature of AI in healthcare diagnostics and treatment.
Marketing Tech
High value for personalizing and optimizing marketing strategies through AI.
Legal Tech
Recognition of the substantial impact of AI on automating and streamlining legal processes.
Search Engine
Strong confidence in AI-driven search technologies despite dominance of established players.
Computer Vision
Importance and investment in visual data processing for applications like autonomous vehicles.


As we reach the mid-year mark of 2024, the landscape of AI startup valuations continues to be dynamic and promising. Our expanded analysis of 100 leading AI companies reveals that investor confidence remains strong, as evidenced by the high average revenue multiple of 17.8x. However, this confidence is nuanced, with significant variations across different niches.

The high revenue multiples in niches like large language models (LLM vendors), HR tech, and search engines underscore the tremendous growth potential and transformative impact of AI technologies in these areas. Meanwhile, more cautious but still optimistic valuations in sectors such as health tech and cybersecurity reflect the complexities and challenges unique to these fields.

These insights highlight the diverse approaches and innovative solutions that AI startups are bringing to the table. As investors continue to place their bets on these companies, the coming years will be crucial in determining how these valuations translate into real-world success. It will be interesting to observe how market conditions, technological advancements, and competitive dynamics influence these multiples moving forward.

In summary, the path to profitability and sustained growth in the AI sector is filled with both opportunities and challenges. The valuation differences within the same sectors and between related fields highlight the intricate and evolving nature of the AI market. As stakeholders navigate this landscape, understanding these nuances will be key to making informed investment decisions.

We invite readers to download the full AI Valuation Report 2024 for a more detailed analysis and to share their thoughts on these findings. Your insights and feedback are invaluable as we continue to track and analyze the progress of AI startups shaping the future of technology.

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