Mastering Financial Models: Jargon-Free

Mastering Financial Models: Jargon-Free

By Lior_Ronen | Founder, Finro Financial Consulting

In finance, complexity can often be the enemy of clarity. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the game, navigating the intricate jargon and industry-specific terms of a financial model can be overwhelming.

However, the key to creating an accessible and effective financial model is employing plain language and explaining jargon. By simplifying complex concepts and making your model easy to understand, you open the door for a diverse audience to engage with your business's financial performance and potential.

In this article, we'll explore the importance of plain language and offer practical tips for breaking down the jargon, enabling stakeholders to comprehend your financial model better and ultimately boosting their confidence in your startup's success.

Tips for Employing Plain Language and Explaining Jargon in Financial Models

A. Be Concise and Clear

Writing straightforwardly is crucial when crafting your financial model. Avoid overly complex language or convoluted sentence structures that confuse your readers. Instead, focus on conveying your message in a simple, digestible format. Strive to create a financial model that is easy to understand for readers with varying levels of expertise. By ensuring your model is clear and simple, you'll make it more accessible to a wider audience.

B. Explain Abbreviations and Acronyms

While abbreviations and acronyms can save space, they can also confuse readers unfamiliar with the terms. To avoid misunderstandings, explain any abbreviations or acronyms using brackets, comments, or text boxes within your financial model.

C. Provide Context for Industry-specific Terms

Financial models often include terminology unique to a specific industry. To ensure your model is accessible to readers from various backgrounds, take the time to provide context or explanations for industry-specific terms. This will help them better understand the financial dynamics of your business.

D. Use Consistent Terminology

Consistency is key when it comes to terminology in your financial model. Using different terms or phrases for the same concept can lead to confusion, making it harder for readers to follow along. Stick to a consistent set of terms throughout your model to facilitate comprehension.

E. Encourage Feedback and Questions

Welcoming questions and feedback from potential investors, partners, or advisors can help you pinpoint areas in your financial model that require additional clarification or explanation. This feedback loop allows you to refine your model and ensure that it is as clear and understandable as possible. By inviting input from others, you can fine-tune your financial model, creating a more accessible and effective tool for conveying your business's financial performance and potential.


In summary, employing plain language and explaining jargon in your financial model is essential for creating an accessible and effective tool that appeals to a diverse audience. By focusing on clarity, simplicity, and consistency, you can ensure that stakeholders from various backgrounds can easily understand your business's financial performance and potential.

Encouraging feedback and questions also help you refine your model, making it even more user-friendly and comprehensible. By adopting these practices, you not only make your financial model more accessible but also instill greater confidence in your startup's success among potential investors, partners, and advisors.

Embrace the power of plain language and clear explanations to create a financial model that truly stands out in the competitive business landscape.

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